jeudi 18 juillet 2013

Best practices for patterns adoption in IBM PureApplication System

Over the last few years, we have witnessed the start of a true revolution in how middleware operations are carried out. Starting with the release of the IBM WebSphere® CloudBurst® Appliance, and then with the subsequent releases of IBM Workload Deployer and IBM PureApplication System, the introduction of pattern-based deployment approaches have helped clients achieve a fundamental change in the way in which they plan, deploy, and manage IBM middleware. What we have seen is that this approach has changed the landscape of system operations, and has also had significant influence on the relationship between development and operations in those companies that have adopted it. The combination of these pattern-based approaches with the full system integration provided in PureApplication System has revolutionized the way in which the IT organizations that have adopted them function.
However, what we have also found is that in order for the full benefit of these changes to be realized, these companies need to also adopt a set of organizational and operational best practices that maximize the potential of the PureApplication System. This article documents several of these best practices, and provides a rationale for why you can realize a major positive effect on the efficiency of your organization and the total cost of ownership from adopting PureApplication System.
Before explaining these best practices, we have to begin with a brief discussion of the type of assets that exist in PureApplication System, and introduce a classification scheme that will help you understand the different management techniques we suggest be put in place for these assets in order to realize the maximum benefits that you can gain from PureApplication System.

At a very, very high level there are two types of assets in PureApplication system; for the purposes of this article, let's call those shared assets and transient assets.
Shared assets are those assets that are long-lived resources that are used by multiple teams or individuals. These include the physical cloud assets (ITE hardware, storage, and networking switches) as well as virtual cloud assets (environment profiles, cloud groups, IP groups). This category also includes software assets like images and script packages, and importantly, virtual system patterns. We classify virtual system patterns as shared assets because they should be built in such a way as to maximize their reuse potential. This bears directly on the organizational structures that are most appropriate for creating and managing the lifecycle of these assets.
If shared assets are long-lived resources, then by contrast, transient assets are those that relatively short-lived. Transient assets include virtual system pattern instances and volume allocations. Another key type of transient asset is a virtual application pattern. Virtual application patterns in general (and web app patterns specifically) contain specific deployable resources that are included as part of the pattern when it is built. In these "cloud-centric" types of applications, the topology is a transient asset; the actual topology can change at run time based on the execution of policies, such as scalability policies. The definition of the pattern is also a transient asset; that is, because everything you are specifying in a virtual application pattern is application-specific. This includes the required resources (application servers, databases, and so on), as well as the policies that describe how those resources should be used. In this case, the EAR file or DDL is simply another application-specific asset that has the same relative lifetime as all the other aspects of that particular application.
Each asset in PureApplication System, regardless of whether it is a shared or transient asset, will have its own lifecycle and specific monitoring points within that lifecycle. In order to maximize the utility of PureApplication System, the IT organization needs to consider setting up an organization responsible for the following general aspects of asset management:
  • Maintaining the catalog or list of assets that are available.
  • Setting in place policies around managing the lifecycles of assets.
  • Tracking assets through their individual lifecycles and moving them along as appropriate.
While we won't specify an exhaustive list of the types of governance policies that you will need to put in place, here is a representative list that covers some of the most common scenarios.
Some of the common shared resource policies would include:
  • How long do you keep virtual system pattern versions available for use?
  • How long do you support previous or deprecated pattern versions?
  • What are the naming conventions for virtual system versions?
Some of the more common transient resource policies would include:
  • How much of each resource (storage, CPU, network) do you allow per pattern instance?
  • How long do you leave pattern instances (virtual system and virtual application) running if not in use?
  • How long do you keep pattern instances available if not currently in use?
When we consider the policies around the management of physical and virtual cloud assets (not just patterns), the list grows even longer. For instance, if a client owns more than one PureApplication System, then the management of pattern catalogs across two instances becomes an interesting and important consideration. What patterns are defined in the software catalog of each rack and what patterns are deployed onto each PureApplication System rack needs to be determined by a combination of factors, such as the need to support HA and DR configurations of specific patterns, the usage of each pattern (for example, a pattern with batch behavior like MDM might have high utilization only at certain times of the day), and the need to balance development needs like load testing against production needs. In general, it is possible to use racks both for production and development/test, as long as you set up appropriate divisions using cloud groups and environment profiles for isolation.

This section outlines the major best practices that we have identified for effectively adopting PureApplication System. We begin by discussing who creates the assets for which the policies are enforced, and what automation is needed to enforce the asset policies described.

IBM PureApplication System ships with a number of existing virtual application system patterns that represent standard configurations of IBM WebSphere Application Server and other middleware, such as IBM DB2®. However, in most environments you will need to customize those patterns in one way or another, or you will need to build your own patterns that combine middleware from IBM and other vendors. Rather than have every project create its own patterns from scratch, a better approach is usually to have a common content team create a few standard patterns that represent the common uses in your organization as a whole, which are then slightly customized as needed by each application team. Therefore, you’ll need a few people in your organization with a wide view of all the different projects in your organization so that they can do that topology abstraction and determine, first, which patterns need to be created, and then build them.
Likewise, IBM ships an even higher-level abstraction called virtual applications that provide developers with a way to specify policies that describe a desired outcome, and lets the system dynamically determine how to produce the correct middleware topology to meet those outcomes. Many business partners also provide virtual application patterns for their own applications through the IBM PureSystems Centre. However, advanced clients might also want to build their own virtual application pattern components customized to their own needs. For that purpose, IBM provides the Plugin Development Kit that enables developers to build these components. This requires some amount of thought and planning in order to figure out how to best meet your organization’s needs, so again, this is usually something that will be done by a centralized content team.
What we have found is that the alternative to this best practice (letting each development team create its own patterns) leads to less reuse than if forethought is put into developing a few reusable patterns from the start. It also becomes more difficult to manage the large and poorly organized pattern catalog that results from letting each individual developer or project team build its own patterns. When implemented properly, this foundational best practice creates a vehicle for implementing many of the best practices that follow.

As discussed earlier, PureApplication System contains two broad classes of assets, transient assets and shared assets. Transient assets, in particular virtual system pattern instances, have a particular lifecycle that is managed either by an operations team (in production) or by a development team (in development), or by a combined dev/ops team in both environments. What is worth pointing out is that most of the steps in this lifecycle can be automated. Let's consider the simple illustrative lifecycle of a virtual system pattern, shown in Figure 1.
In this simple case (which does not consider the possibility of patching a running virtual system instance), a newly provisioned pattern instance (let's say in a dev/test environment) begins in the Started state. At any time, an administrator can stop the virtual system instance, which does not release the reserved resources in the cloud, but does terminate the virtual machines comprising the virtual system. They could then Store the virtual system, which does release those resources, but keeps the virtual system instance available for redeployment at any time. All of these functions are available through the Instances > Virtual Systems menu in the workload console.
As discussed earlier, an IT organization should set up policies regarding how long an instance should reside in each of these states, and under what conditions they should move from one state to another. So, if an instance is not used for a period of time (which could be verified, for example, by referring to the HTTP server's web logs) then it should be stopped. It could then remain in that state for a fixed period of time before the owner restarts it, or it should be moved to the stored state. Finally, if an instance is in stored state and has not been started for some time, it can be deleted.
Once these policies are set in place and have been validated over a period of time, then our best practice recommendation is that they should be automated. This guarantees that the policies will be enforced consistently and that the shared resources of the PureApplication System will be utilized most efficiently. The PureApplication System command line interface and REST API contain functions that let you query the state of a virtual system pattern instance, as well as start, stop, store, and delete that instance. You can either write scripts to automate these functions and implement the defined policies, or you can write programs that manage this through the REST interfaces.
Even though we did not cover it in the previous example, the CLI and REST interfaces also contain functions that enable you to automate the patching and fix application processes for virtual systems as well. That is a more complicated case, and should be handled with care — in many cases, it might be better to simply replace the instance with another one at the newer patch level.
We have seen several different approaches to automating these lifecycle steps with different clients, utilizing a number of different technologies. In some cases, the automation is tied into existing system automation tools already in use in the datacenter; this is especially true if the organization is very mature in its use of virtualization and already had policies in place for managing virtual images as transient assets. However, in other situations where the organization is not as mature and does not have these policies and tools in place, we have seen companies be very successful in building net new automation with a combination of custom web portals and batch programs written within WebSphere Application Server.
As a final note, an emerging approach that we believe holds the most promise for hosting this kind of automation is IBM SmartCloud® Orchestrator. You can think of the implementation of these policies as being different workflows built using SmartCloud Orchestrator. While it is still early in the adoption of SmartCloud Orchestrator integrated with PureApplication System, we can easily envision standard libraries of different PureApplication System asset lifecycle policy implementations being built using SmartCloud Orchestrator. 

Essentially, when you build a virtual system pattern you are describing a general topology onto which you can suitably deploy transient application assets. If you build a clustered WebSphere Application Server pattern that connects to a standalone instance of IBM DB2 Enterprise Edition, it could be potentially used for many different applications that require that same topology. What differs for each particular application is detailed application configuration information, such as JVM configuration (heap size, and so on) and, critically, application assets such as EAR files and DDL. In a large organization with many applications, if each application built its own pattern you would end up with a proliferation of nearly identical patterns in the library. From simply an asset management perspective, it would become challenging to manage, maintain, and track all of these patterns. When we have witnessed this approach of using IBM Workload Deployer and PureApplication System, the result has been a pattern catalog that quickly becomes unmanageable.
What we encourage instead as a best practice is that virtual system patterns should not include purely application-centric information in the scripts that they execute. Instead, that kind of specific information should be read in by the scripts that run in the deployment process as configuration from a shared repository of information, or from instance-specific locations that are specified as part of the deployment process. Another possibility is to use an external deployment automation tool to deploy these application-specific configuration items into a pattern instance when that tool is triggered by an external event such as the completion of a new build. This encourages reuse of each virtual system pattern, and also reduces the total number of virtual system patterns that must be managed. This also fits with the tooling and policies that most development and operations teams already have in place for handling application build and automated deployment. It then becomes a matter of taking those tools that the IT department is already productive with and integrating those into the PureApplication System structure.
As a detailed example, consider the case of script packages within PureApplication System. In following this best practice, you would not include either direct references to application-dependent information in the script package (such as JDBC datasources, JMS resources, or JVM properties) or include specific application JAR or EAR files in your script package. Instead, reference these from an external location. This would enable a decoupling of the application lifecycle from the lifecycle of the script package and enable you to deploy the same pattern with the same script package into multiple environments, such as development, test, and production — even where the details of the JDBC datasources, JMS resources, or JVM properties differed in each environment.
IBM provides tooling inside PureApplication System (the Advanced Middleware Configuration tool) that can be used to separate configuration information from the specific deployments themselves. Likewise, IBM provides a tool called IBM SmartCloud Continuous Delivery (which fully integrates with PureApplication System) that helps development teams deploy and test software in a production-like environment in a straightforward, repeatable way. Another possibility is to use IBM Urban{code} uDeploy to automate artifact deployment into your pattern instances. 

A common question we receive is how big a pattern should be and what the scope of applications should be (for example, should applications all be contained within a single pattern, or should an application spread across patterns). In general, there's no single answer for this question because the term "application" means different things to different people and organizations. To some organizations, a single application could comprise only a single EAR file running on an application server instance. In others, a single application can spread over multiple runtimes, including database runtimes, application server runtimes, portal server runtimes, and ESB runtimes. Rather, we should rephrase the question to "How do you determine the right scope of a virtual system pattern?" and "How do you determine the right scope of a virtual application pattern?" For those more tightly-scoped questions, there are some basic principles we can apply.
Essentially, we can phrase the recommendation as follows: A single pattern should contain only components that are directly related to each other and should not contain components that are shared by any components outside the pattern unless all those components are shared. Let's describe this by example.
Suppose you have two applications, a Web Banking application and a Wealth Management application. They each have EAR files that are deployed onto application servers. They both share some common information in a shared database (the Customer Accounts database). However, the Wealth Management application also relies on information from a database that is not used by the Web Banking application (a Portfolios database). In this case, you should best divide these applications into three patterns along the following lines:
  • Pattern 1: Web Banking application servers and web servers
  • Pattern 2: Wealth Management application servers, web servers and Portfolios database
  • Pattern 3: Customer Accounts database
Now, any changes that happen to the individual applications are localized to the specific patterns that are affected by those changes. If a change needs to be made to the Web Banking application, then the Wealth Management application will continue to function unhindered, and vice versa.

As discussed earlier, one of the approaches that enables you to gain maximum reuse from virtual applications is separating any application-specific information in them from the topology-related information that is general across an entire class of applications. The application-specific information would then be read from an external source at deployment time, most likely from an external source code repository like Git or Subversion. This same principle can and should be extended to the shared assets in general, such as the definitions of your virtual system patterns, your script packages, and your virtual images.
PureApplication System provides an extensive ability to perform import and export of these shared assets between racks, and from a rack to external storage. This is useful, for instance, in the case where one PureApplication System rack might be used for all dev/test environments, while another is used for all production environments. However, what you would really want to do is tie together the application-independent assets together with the application-dependent parts of your assets into a common external repository so that they can be tracked as a single combined asset. This discipline will ensure that if anything untoward happens during a change (say, that an upgrade fails due to a poorly written script, or that a major application bug is found that necessitates a rollback to an earlier state) that both the application topology (represented by the virtual system pattern) and its images and script packages and the application-specific information (such as the JDBC datasources and a specific version of the application EAR file) are available in a form that had been previously tested and shown to be stable.
Even besides being a generally good practice to follow, this particular best practice helps address some specific issues in the current version of PureApplication System. For example, with regard to script packages, IBM Workload Deployer and IBM PureApplication System do not (as of version provide versioning. Likewise, the naming of script packages is arbitrary, nothing is enforced; while it is a best practice to indicate version numbers through a consistent, enforced naming policy, only keeping all versions of the script packages under source code control in an external repository will ensure that they can be fully tracked and managed appropriately.
This then leads to two additional approaches in how to deal with the fact that versioning is not currently fully supported. Those two approaches are:
  • Version everything in the name This is the most common approach. The names of all patterns and script packages should have a version included in it. To facilitate continuous integration scenarios the build system then can use some form of a token in the cbscript.json and pattern.json files, and then the resulting pattern can be imported into the cloud provider as such. This approach works well but can result in an expanding catalog; therefore, it is recommended that the build system also has a pruning method built into it (as described in this article) or some other form of a regular purge of the catalog and instances.
  • Layer the pattern such that the fast moving pieces are handled by an external system that understand builds and versioningAs described earlier, teams should build a standard set of "base patterns" that would then change relatively infrequently. Script packages can then be layered on top of the base pattern. The job of a script package is to apply a specific version of a package on top of the base pattern. The script package would typically take the version of the package as an argument. The script package can then retrieve that content dynamically from a media library, build system, or repository. This is in line with our earlier recommendation to separate topology from configuration in virtual applications. This is a fantastic way to accomplish other objectives such as integrating with existing systems for build and automation, as well as maintaining automation or deployment efforts that are not limited to cloud. The downside of this approach is that the pattern is no longer a complete package, but requires the external build system or repository to function. However, we believe this tradeoff is worth the effort.
This second approach is productized within Smart Cloud Continuous Delivery, though it can be accomplished using many external automation solutions with version control and programmatic interfaces. For example, a script package can take a few parameters and call out to external systems such as BuildForge Projects, Advanced Middleware Configuration Projects,or IBM Urban{code} uDeploy. There are also a number of teams that have implemented the “version everything” approach simply using IBM Rational® Team Concert and JazzBuild with Ant. The important pieces to keep in mind is that re-using mature automation systems is a good choice if continued investment in those systems is desired, and making sure that input into patterns (such as version information) be kept as simple as possible for the user. As an example, if your pattern takes in a build number as input, then the pattern should be updated to have a good default (such as the last committed) or should take values such as {latest | committed | release}; a team member deploying a pattern should not need to spend a lot of effort to look up or find out a valid value for any deployment parameter to the pattern.

Many clients have WebSphere Application Server cells and other system environments whose lifetime is very long — it usually takes a major version upgrade or something of similar magnitude to motivate a team to decommission an environment and create a new one. These are often long and complex processes in conventional environments. However, PureApplication System makes the creation of a new environment a fast and painless process. This leads to a major change in the way that environments are viewed, based upon the amount of effort required to create or re-create them.
If all of the important configuration information is stored in a pattern, as opposed to only residing in the configuration files of the cell, then it’s easier to simply recreate the cell on any significant change to the configuration – even on adopting a new point release of WebSphere Application Server or other middleware. In IBM PureApplication System, the two cells could even run side-by-side for a few days or weeks until it is assured that the new cell is functioning normally, at which point it can be deleted with the assurance that it could be recreated at any time if necessary. Another change we have seen is that, again, clients were building few large cells due to the complexity of creating the cells; when this can be done simply from a pattern, it becomes possible for each project to be contained within its own cell – resulting in smaller cells, and more of them.
The major change to the way in which operations teams work when they adopt this pattern is that they must move all administrative aspects into scripts. While you might perform an administrative action like setting a tuning parameter, or installing an application in the console for that particular middleware (like the WebSphere Application Server console), you should also, at a minimum, create a script that also performs that same action and attach that to the virtual system pattern definition. This enables the recreation of the environment exactly as it stands at any point in time and guarantees that you can quickly adapt to both planned and unplanned failures.

This article demonstrated a few of the major best practices dealing with integration of IBM PureApplication System into your IT governance policies and data center management strategies. There are many, many more best practices in other specific areas, such as application migration, not covered here that we will look at in follow-on articles. Likewise, in our discussion of assets we have hinted at the types of organizational responsibilities and changes that might be necessary for you to best leverage PureApplication System. The article Aligning organizations to achieve integrated system benefits with IBM PureApplication System begins the process of describing those changes, but we will cover this subject in significant additional depth in another follow-on article. 

By developerWorks (IBM)

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