mardi 24 février 2015

IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly GPFS)

This IBM Redpaper Redbooks publication updates and compliments the previous publication: Implementing the IBM General Parallel File System in a Cross Platform Environment, SG24-7844 with additional updates since the previous publication version was released with GPFS. Since then, two releases have been made available up to the latest version of IBM Spectrum Scale 4.1. Topics such as what is new in Spectrum Scale, Spectrum Scale licensing updates (Express/Standard/Advanced), Spectrum Scale infrastructure support/updates, storage support (IBM and OEM), operating system and platform support, Spectrum Scale global sharing - Active File Management (AFM), and IBM Spectrum Protect considerations for using Spectrum Scale for LAN-free backup are discussed in this new IBM Redbooks publication.
This IBM Redpaper Redbooks publication provides additional topics are discussed in this publication such as planning, usability, best practices, monitoring, problem determination and so on. The main concept for this publication is to bring the readers up to date with the latest features and capabilities of IBM Spectrum Scale as the solution has become a key component of the reference architecture for clouds, analytics, mobile, social media, and much more,.
This IBM Redpaper Redbooks publication targets toward technical professionals (consultants, technical support staff, IT Architects, and IT Specialists) responsible for delivering cost effective cloud services and big data solutions on IBM Power Systems helping to uncover insights among client's data so they can take actions to optimize business results, product development, and scientific discoveries.


These pages are Web versions of IBM Redbooks- and Redpapers-in-progress. They are published here for those who need the information now and may contain spelling, layout and grammatical errors.
This material has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is published AS IS. It has not been the subject of rigorous review. Your feedback is welcomed to improve the usefulness of the material to others.
IBM assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. The use of this information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends upon the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. 
By : IBM Redbooks publication  
Please find the complete publication on :