Or, as the case may turn out, homemade Power8 systems that might possibly be used by Google in its vast infrastructure or souped up boxes aimed at high frequency traders, as EnterpriseTech has previously told you about.
A late April or early May launch
would coincide with the Impact2014 event that Big Blue is hosting for
customers and partners in Las Vegas from April 27 through May 1. The
company is also participating in the annual COMMON conference for
customers of its IBM i (formerly OS/400) midrange system, which runs
from May 4 through 7. While the IBM i server business is considerably
smaller than it was 15 years ago at its peak, Power Systems machines
running IBM i are still used by around 150,000 customers worldwide and
that operating system is only available on Power-based servers from IBM.
Significantly, most of those customers tend to buy entry-level machines
because their workloads are fairly modest by modern standards, and this
is also the same class of machine you might use if you wanted to build a
Hadoop cluster running atop Linux on Power chips. Doing one big push to
cover many different markets make sense, particularly with IBM trimming
costs as Power Systems revenues have been on the decline.
Just like other chip makers – notably
Intel, AMD, Oracle, and Fujitsu in the enterprise space – IBM staggers
its chip launches, although in this case it controls both the chips and
the systems unlike Intel and, for the most part, AMD. For the past
several processor generations, IBM has started the Power chip launch in
the middle of its line, with machines that have from 4 to 16 sockets in a
single system image. These are relatively low volume products, so it
gave IBM time to ramp up its 45 nanometer process for eight-core Power7
chips and 32 nanometer process for eight-core Power7+ chips. The Power7+
had some microarchitecture improvements to boost per-core performance
and a whole lot more cache per core to push the performance up even
further. Then IBM launched entry machines using the chip, and in the
case of the Power7, finished up with a 32-socket box that has a
specially packaged version of the Power7 that allows it to clock higher
than in the entry and midrange machines. The high-end machine in the
Power Systems line does not get an upgrade to the “plus” variants of any
processor, by the way. Whether or not IBM maintains this practice
remains to be seen.
If history is any guide, IBM will
have a high-end Power machine with 16 or 32 sockets available by the
fall, for the big year-end sales push.
Starting at the bottom of the line this time around makes sense given that Intel refreshed its Xeon E5 processor lineup back in September
with variants with six, ten, and twelve cores. If IBM wants to sell
scale-out clusters based on Power8 chips against Intel, systems based on
Xeon E5 v2 processors are the ones Big Blue has to beat.
The mantra coming out of IBM’s
Systems and Technology Group about the Power8 launch is cloud, big data,
open, and scale out. The open part means linking the Power8 launch to
the OpenPower Consortium, which IBM started last year with Google,
Nvidia, Tyan, and Mellanox Technologies. The consortium now has 14 paid
members who are contributing to firmware, hypervisor, motherboard, and
other parts of the Power8 system design, and one company, a startup
called Suzhou PowerCore, licensing the Power8 chip to create its own variants of the processor for the Chinese server, storage, and switching markets. Sources at IBM tell EnterpriseTech that there are more than 100 other companies that have expressed interest in joining the OpenPower Consortium.
The Power8 chip, like its
predecessors, is probably relatively large compared to a Xeon E5 part
and will probably consume more electricity and dissipate more heat, even
though it uses a 22 nanometer process that puts it on par with what
Intel can deliver at the moment. IBM’s 64-bit Power chips have always
been larger and hotter than their Intel equivalents, but they make up
for it with more throughput, enabled by radically higher I/O and memory
bandwidth. The twelve-core Power8 chip will sport 96 MB of L3 cache on
the die and will have an additional 16 MB of L4 cache on each “Centaur”
buffer chip embedded on the memory cards used with Power8 systems. (On a
16-core system linked gluelessly by the NUMA interconnect on each
Power8 chip, that is a total of 128 MB of L4 cache on a system that can
have 16 TB of main memory across those sockets. That machine will have
192 cores, and the interconnect has an extra link in it now so any
socket can get to any other socket in one or two hops instead of a
maximum of three.)
The interesting thing to consider as we head out to the GPU Technical
Conference hosted by Nvidia is precisely how Big Blue and the graphics
chip maker are going to collaborate on ceepie-geepie systems starting with the Power8 generation and moving forward from there. Back in november at the SC13 supercomputing conference, Brad McCredie, vice president of Power Systems development within IBM’s Systems and Technology Group, told EnterpriseTech
that the two companies were in the process of modifying the Power8
systems to better accommodate Nvidia’s Tesla GPUs and would be tweaking
the IBM software stack to accelerate it with those GPUs. The Power8
chips have on-die PCI-Express 3.0 peripheral controllers. The jump to
PCI-Express 3.0 is necessary to quickly move data back and forth between
the CPU and GPU as they share work; the PCI-Express 2.0 used on Power7
and Power7+ chips was too slow to push these accelerators or high-speed
InfiniBand and Ethernet cards.
To simplify the programing model for
hybrid systems and speed up the data transfers between the CPUs and
GPUs, IBM created what it calls the Coherent Accelerator Processor
Interface, or CAPI, which will be first implemented on the Power8 chip.
This is an overlay for the PCI protocol that creates a virtual memory
space comprised of the CPU main memory and any memory used by any kind
of accelerator that plugs into the PCI bus – GPU, FPGA, DSP, whatever
have you.
The CAPI interface will work with the
Tesla GPU accelerators and the virtual memory in the CUDA environment
to manage the movement of data between main and frame buffer memory,
transparent to the application. Nvidia announced unified memory between
the X86 CPUs and Tesla GPUs with CUDA 6 last fall ahead of the SC13
event. (It is probably not a coincidence that the accelerator side of
the chart above is in two shades of green and black. The nearly
unreadable print in the light green box says “Custom Hardware
Application, FPGA or ASIC” in case you can’t read it.)
IBM has been very clear that it wants to accelerate Java workloads with GPUs,
and work is progressing to get such acceleration into the field perhaps
by 2015 or so. That is also, perhaps not coincidentally, when IBM
expects to have a clean-slate system design based on Power chips and
future Nvidia GPU coprocessors in the field that more tightly links the
two together. Java, of course, is the language of choice for a lot of
enterprise applications, mainly because it is easier to work with than C
or C++ and more widely known than any of the legacy programming
languages on IBM systems.
The thing to remember, as we have
pointed out before, is that IBM can have a much tighter partnership with
Nvidia than either Intel or AMD can. It is reasonable to expect for the
two companies to work more closely together on traditional
supercomputing systems as well as other kinds of clustered and
accelerated systems used throughout enterprises. Hopefully, the two
companies will make some of their long-term plans clear at the GPU
Technology Conference.
By: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Link: http://www.enterprisetech.com/2014/03/24/ibm-power8-rollout-start-scale-clusters/