Excimer Laser Technology Revolutionized Vision Correction and Surgical
Procedures for Millions of People Worldwide
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Obama recognized a team of three IBM (
NYSE: IBM) scientists -- James J. Wynne,
Rangaswamy Srinivasan and Samuel Blum -- with the National Medal of Technology
and Innovation, the country’s most prestigious award given to leading innovators
for technological achievement. With more than a combined 100 years of service at
IBM Research, they are receiving this award for designing, developing, and
implementing laser technology that improves people’s health, including LASIK eye
President Obama will personally bestow the award to the IBMers at a special
White House ceremony at a later date. IBM has earned the National Medal of
Technology and Innovation on nine other occasions.
IBM’s seminal work in laser technology, which began in 1981 by this team of
scientists, has shaped the course of surgical care. Well suited for delicate
surgeries, the excimer laser replaced mechanical instruments such as the scalpel
which was not very precise, could leave the cornea permanently weakened and
required a long recovery time.
The team of researchers originally demonstrated this technology’s
capabilities to the medical community by using quick pulses of ultraviolet light
to cut a clean pattern into a human hair without burning the strand. This
ability to precisely cut into materials via vaporization, rather than burning,
was appealing to doctors and patients as it left surrounding areas
Today, LASIK eye surgery is the most popular vision correction surgery
performed and has improved the vision of approximately 25 million people
worldwide. This type of modern surgery technology is one reason why the world
has looked to the United States for leadership and best practices. James Wynne
still works at IBM’s TJ Watson Research Center while Srinivasan and Blum have
since retired.
by: WebWire